Monday, June 23, 2008


yesterday we celebrated Charlotte's first birthday party at a local park. i spent most of the party stuffing my face or playing on the swing and slide. today mother's group was also held in a park. i'm swinging, swinging.....

Saturday, June 21, 2008

dancing queen

i love riding my bike

having a warm up session before dancing

my new words for today are shoe and apt!

Friday, June 20, 2008

growing up too fast

mummy saw a 8 day old baby today. she can't believe i was ever that small. she thinks i am growing up very fast and am constantly learning new things. she has decided that she needs to keep a permanent record of how clever i am.

a snapshot of my life so far....i was born 8 Feb 2007 at 6.50pm, weighing 2.92kg. 16 months later i can walk, talk, laugh, smile, give hugs and kisses, throw tantrums and show my independence. i have 12 teeth, with another 2 soon to make an appearance. my vocabulary is increasing everyday. i can say mummy, dadda, nanna, poppa, cracker, cat, car, cup, bottle, chair, door, star, ball, pooh bear, jacket, two (but not one), cow, flower, bath, doll, lala (aka - justine clarke), dog, woof, quack, ta, hat, book, hi and bye. On that note.....byyyyyeeee.